Musings, research & articles of interest.

Ruth Illger Ruth Illger

Why do people sabotage their own success?

Imagine this: you’ve just landed a big promotion, received a financial windfall, or started a fantastic new relationship. You’re elated, feeling on top of the world. Then, out of nowhere, you find yourself making mistakes, feeling overwhelmed, or even sabotaging your own success.

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Ruth Illger Ruth Illger

Can EFT help burnout?

Burnout is a psychological and physical condition that results from chronic workplace stress. It can manifest as a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion and often occurs when individuals consistently face excessive demands, tight deadlines, and high-pressure environments without sufficient opportunities for recovery or support.

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Ruth Illger Ruth Illger

How does creativity help to heal?

The body and mind are endlessly fascinating and incredibly resourceful to come up with such brilliant solutions for protection - just a shame they become outdated and are now more of a hindrance than a help.

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Ruth Illger Ruth Illger

Prince Harry behind rise in 'tapping therapy' demand.

Recently, Prince Harry has been open about his struggles with mental health, particularly following the death of his mother, Princess Diana. In his Apple TV+ series "The Me You Can’t See," co-created with Oprah Winfrey, Harry shared his personal experiences with therapy, including his use of EFT and EMDR.

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Ruth Illger Ruth Illger

The 10-day window of opportunity.

New research has found that there’s a 10-day window of opportunity to process a traumatic event before neurological and synaptic changes in the brain happen - which can potentially turn one event into lifelong PTSD.

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