Prince Harry behind rise in 'tapping therapy' demand.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects millions worldwide, often leaving individuals struggling with debilitating symptoms. Traditional treatments like cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and medication have been mainstays. Now alternative therapies are gaining recognition such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), showing promising results. Prince Harry's public endorsement and use of these methods have recently brought them into the spotlight, highlighting their potential effectiveness.

EFT combines elements of cognitive therapy with acupressure, using the fingers to tap on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on a traumatic memory or emotion. This process has been shown to help balance the body's energy system and reduce emotional distress. EMDR involves the use of eye movements to help process and integrate traumatic memories, allowing individuals to reframe their experiences and reduce their psychological impact. In Clinical EFT, we use both especially when up against some hard-wired memories causing a lot of distress.

Recently, Prince Harry has been open about his struggles with mental health, particularly following the death of his mother, Princess Diana. In his Apple TV+ series "The Me You Can’t See," co-created with Oprah Winfrey, Harry shared his personal experiences with therapy, including his use of EFT and EMDR. He described how these methods have been instrumental in managing his anxiety and trauma, offering a sense of release and healing that traditional therapies had not fully provided.

Harry’s candid discussions about his mental health and therapeutic practices have been influential, encouraging others to explore these alternative treatments. His use of EFT, in particular, has gained significant media attention, shedding light on its benefits for PTSD sufferers.

Several studies have explored the efficacy of EFT and EMDR for PTSD. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease found that EFT significantly reduced PTSD symptoms in various populations. Participants reported decreased anxiety, depression, and overall psychological distress after undergoing EFT sessions. EMDR has also been extensively researched, with numerous studies supporting its effectiveness. The American Psychological Association (APA) recognises EMDR as an evidence-based treatment for PTSD. It is believed that the eye movements involved in EMDR help in reprocessing traumatic memories, reducing their emotional charge, and integrating them into a more adaptive memory network.

In Clinical EFT we frequently incorporate elements of EMDR. This integration involves using eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation while tapping on meridian points, accelerating the healing process. By combining these techniques, practitioners can make long-lasting changes, offering a much more comprehensive approach to trauma treatment.

Prince Harry’s advocacy for mental health and his openness about using EFT and EMDR encourage a shift towards recognising and validating alternative therapies within mainstream mental health care. This shift is crucial, as it broadens the range of available treatments, offering hope to those who may not have found relief through conventional means. Moreover, Harry's public journey underscores the importance of mental health discussions, reducing stigma, and promoting a culture of seeking help. 

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